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Processing time 程序處理時間

An application deemed complete under the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Québec experience program) will receive a priority treatment of 20 days or less, excluding postal delays.

如果您想看到通過其他方法發布的CSQ的處理時間,見下文 http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/informations/processing-times.html


Incomplete file 材料不全

To allow for rapid processing of applications submitted under the Programme de l'expérience québécoise, it is important to submit a complete file. Incomplete files will be returned to the sender.


To be admissible, your file must include parts 1 and 2 of the Demande de Certificat de sélection du Québec – Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ) (A-0520-GF or A-0520-IF), duly completed and signed, all necessary documents in the required format as well as full and exact payment of the fees required (in Canadian currency only).



When your application is being processed, if information, a signature or supporting documents are missing, or if the documents provided are not in the required format, you will receive a letter from the Ministère indicating which documents are missing or incomplete, and in which format they must be submitted. You will have a maximum of 60 business days to send us these supporting documents. If you do not respect this timeframe, your application will be rejected.


If the enclosed supporting documents are judged unsatisfactory during the processing of your application, you will receive a letter asking for the additional documents(s) to provide. You must provide any missing document(s) within a maximum of 60 days, failing which your application will be rejected.


If you are a Québec graduate or future graduate, you must fulfill all of the program conditions at the time of submission of your application, with the exception of your attestation of successful completion and your final transcripts, for which you have a maximum timeframe of six months to submit them. Make sure to indicate when you expect to obtain the expected date of receipt of your diploma or your attestation of successful completion if you are unable to provide them at the time of submission of your application.


Selection process 選擇程序

Unlike the regular selection program for skilled workers, the Programme de l’expérience québécoise does not use a system that attributes points based on different assessment factors. Your file must absolutely be complete in order for your application to be processed.


You must satisfy all of the conditions of the Programme de l’expérience québécoise to obtain a Certificat de sélection du Québec. If one or more requirements are not met, the certificate cannot be issued.


However, your spouse or de facto spouse included in your application, if any, has no selection requirement to satisfy.



Conditions not satisfied 未能被滿足的條件

If you have not provided parts 1 and 2 of the application duly completed and signed as well as all the necessary forms and supporting documents, in the required format and within the allotted time frame, your application will be rejected.


If you do not fulfill the conditions of the PEQ, your application will be refused and you will receive a letter inviting you to submit a new application for a Québec selection certificate under the Regular Skilled Worker Program. If you submit a new application from abroad, you must respect the rules in effect for the intake and processing of applications from abroad. You can submit your new application without paying additional fees, if it is received within a maximum of 180 days following the date indicated in the letter of invitation. However, the addition of a family member to your new application will require the payment of additional fees.


Addition of a family member 新增家庭

If you add a spouse or de facto spouse, you must submit a new Demande de Certificat de sélection du Québec – Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ) (A-0520-GF or A-0520-IF). You and your spouse or de facto spouse must have duly completed the form, making sure to sign in all the appropriate places and include the required documents for your spouse or de facto spouse. You must also include full and exact payment of the fees required for the addition of a spouse or de facto spouse.


If the Ministère has already issued you a Certificat de sélection du Québec for yourself and, if applicable, for your dependent children included in your application, you must return it before you can obtain new CSQs for you, your spouse or de facto spouse and for each of the children accompanying you.



If you add a dependent child, you must provide all of the necessary documents for a dependent child in the required format as stipulated in Part 2 of the Demande de Certificat de sélection du Québec – Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ) (A-0520-GF or A-0520-IF) as well as full and exact payment of the fees required for the addition of a dependent child.

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Advantages of PEQ (4)-PEQ的優點, 英語成績不要求

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List 研究

加拿大署提供了通過魁北克技術移民( QSW )所適用於永久居留专业名單。可以參考http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/publications/en/diverses/list-training.pd...




PEQ項目是在魁北克操作的長期移民項目。 請登錄查閱魁北克從職業學校或大學課程畢業超過1800小時提交一擊性B2可以拿到綠卡的PEQ項目簡介。 http://www.immigration-queb...

사업자 : 국제경력개발원 | 사업자번호 : 121-86-13198 | 대표자,개인정보관리책임자 : 류문현
서울 Tel : 02-3453-9110 | 주소 : 서울 서초구 서초동 1328-11 대우도씨에빛2 제5층 508호
몬트리올 Tel : 1-514-934-2580 | #2021 Union Avenue, Suite 1109, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2S9

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