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몬트리올 라운지


캐나다 이민




캐나다 유아교사 취업


Effective June 1, 2012, Quebec’s Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion (MIDI) has established provisions for some of the foreign nationals it has selected under its Programme régulier des travailleurs qualifiés (PRTQ) and its Programme de l’expérience québécoise (PEQ) to be able to have their work authorizations extended or renewed with a new employer, without having to submit a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

To be eligible, applicants must:

  • be holders of a valid work permit; and
  • currently reside in the province of Quebec.

In addition, the applicant, who holds a skilled worker Certificat de sélection du Québec (CSQ) and currently resides in Quebec, must fall under one of the following categories:

  • seeking to extend their work permit for their current employer;
  • seeking to renew their current work authorization with a new employer in the province of Quebec;
  • is a foreign student who has obtained a post-graduation work permit and has a job offer in the province of Quebec; or
  • is a work permit holder through participation in one of the following programs under the Programme de l’expérience internationale canadienne (EIC)
    • Vacances-travail
    • Stage Jeunes professionnels de 18 mois
    • Stage Coop
    and is seeking an extension for that work permit with the current employer, or to renew the work authorization with a new employer in Quebec.

The duration of the work permit shall be equivalent to the duration of the job offer.

문의 및 상담 신청하기

제목 날짜
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퀘백 1일 투어 가요~^^ (Ice Hotel, Quebec Winter Carnival)   01.18
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LMIA – exempt work permit renewals or extensions for some CSQ holders currently in Quebec   03.15
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Health Care Card 관련 안내드립니다.   11.21
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퀘백 학력인증에 관한 이민성 공지   04.17
CSQ 인터뷰 관련 안내입니다.   12.05
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사업자 : 국제경력개발원 | 사업자번호 : 121-86-13198 | 대표자,개인정보관리책임자 : 류문현
서울 Tel : 02-3453-9110 | 주소 : 서울 서초구 서초동 1328-11 대우도씨에빛2 제5층 508호
몬트리올 Tel : 1-514-934-2580 | #2021 Union Avenue, Suite 1109, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2S9

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