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몬트리올 라운지


캐나다 이민




캐나다 유아교사 취업


몬트리올 이민과정 정보  l  Canada Quebec Montreal Immigration Course

    3737 Beaubien St. East Montreal, Quebec
    PEQ(2800시간), Level C(+6)
    Rosemount Technology Centre
    1,800 Hours (15개월)
    220 Credits
    2016년 9월 7일
    · 최소학력 : 고등학교 졸업자
    · 영어실력 : Intermediate (별도 시험이나 성적표 제출 없음)
    · 고등학교 영문졸업증명서 및 성적증명서
    · 기본증명서, 가족관계 증명서, 혼인관계증명서
    · 영문 주민등록등본
    · 여권사진
    · 여권사본
    · 등록 신청서

Computer Graphics 컴퓨터 그래픽 과정 소개

여학생들에게 인기가 많은 과정입니다. 1800시간의 교육으로 PEQ를 통한 빠른 이민이 가능한 과정입니다. 인쇄물과 웹에 관한 제품 디자인을 배웁니다. 결과물을 만들어내기 위한 디자인 레이아웃에서 전략을 함께 배우게 됩니다. 포토샵, 일러스트, 드림위버, 아크로뱃, 워드프레스 툴을 모두 배웁니다. 졸업후 광고디자인, 웹디자인, 사진보정, 제품관리, 그래픽 아티스트 등 다양한 분야로 진출하게 됩니다. 관련 장비에 관한 과감한 투자로 학생들의 학업에 많은 도움이 됩니다.


Computer Graphics 컴퓨터 그래픽 직업 통계



Computer Graphics 컴퓨터 그래픽 수업 구성

  • Occupation and Training    15시간
  • Managing a Computer Environment    60시간
  • Vector Images    105시간
  • Raster Images    90시간
  • Requirements and Steps of the Graphic Communication Production Process    90시간
  • Image Acquisition     90시간
  • Colour Profile Management    60시간
  • Composite Images for Standard Printing    90시간
  • Composite Images for Visual Interfaces    90시간
  • Tools for Proofreading English Texts    60시간
  • Typographic Elements    90시간
  • Simple Page Layouts for Print Documents    105시간
  • Simple Page Layouts for Visual Interfaces    105시간
  • Simple Page Layout Templates for Visual Interfaces    90시간
  • Page Layout Templates for Print Documents    90시간
  • Imposition and Finishing    60시간
  • Complex Page Layouts for Print Documents    105시간
  • Document Rasterization    60시간
  • Preparing Documents for Digital Printing    60시간
  • Preparing Documents for Standard Offset Printing    75시간
  • Managing a Graphic Communications Microbusiness    90시간
  • Workplace Integration    120시간


Computer Graphics 컴퓨터 그래픽 학생 후기

  • Julie Papier – Freelancer
    The Computer Graphics program at RTC has the perfect mixture of technical and creative content which is exactly what is needed to succeed in this industry. I would recommend this program to anyone who is creative and wants to launch or further their Career.
  • David Hum – Pazazz
    Right from the start, RTC impressed me with their efficient, professional manner – an approach that not only inspired confidence, but generated the results I was looking for. By having my education at RTC, I have been able to consistently and continually grow my career. RTC has been able to provide me with the basics to hone my talents which enabled me to move forward and advance in my chosen profession. With RTC’s helpful, knowledgeable, friendly teachers and staff, my experience with them confirms the results, I now lead and manage a creative studio and have the honour of accepting and teaching future intern students from this facility at our offices.
  • Kirith Siva – Kitchens Choice
    Graduated in 2010 and obtained a great job right after completion. The numerous technical skills taught at RTC enabled me to be creative and productive with ease. I strongly urge those who love graphic design and wish a career in this field to enroll in the program. It is truly a professional school with tremendously talented and knowledgeable teachers.
  • Claudia Campanelli – Reitmans
    Graduated Computer Graphic in 2010 at Rosemount Technology Centre. It still feels like yesterday I was sitting in the classroom learning typography and page layout. Now, I work as a Level 2 graphic designer in one of Canada’s top retail fashion company. The teachers are encouraging and the course outline provides you with everything you need to know before entering the work force. I gained the confidence to multi-task, work under pressure, and excel at creative and technical skills during my studies at RTC.
  • Marcello Porco – Plasticase Inc.
    RTC helped me develop and hone the skills I needed to get back into the work force. The entire staff consists of professionals that care and are dedicated with providing each student with the tools they need to succeed! Thank-you!
  • Peter Orgera – Moxo Media inc.
    I loved the atmosphere at RTC. I’ve grown on a personal level because the outgoing and friendly nature of everyone is contagious. If you’re looking for a place to learn, chill with cool people and nurture your creativity, go to RTC! The teachers will equip you with the skills to communicate with the world around you and give you a deeper understanding of design and its application, developing skills set that will give you an edge within a competitive industry.

문의 및 상담 신청하기

  • Industrial Drafting 산업디자인
    • PEQ+QSW
  • Automobile Mechanic 자동차 정비
    • PEQ+QSW
  • 불어 B2 레벨 인정 과정
    • 기타 과정
  • Plumbing and Heating 배관공 과정
    • 전문인력이민(QSW)
  • Pastry Making 제과제빵 과정
    • 기타 과정
  • Dental Assistant 치과보조사 과정
    • 전문인력이민(QSW)
  • Retail Butchery 소매 정육 과정
    • 전문인력이민(QSW)
  • Interior Decorating 실내디자인 과정
    • 경험이민(PEQ)
  • 퀘백 자녀 조기유학 학교 순위
    • 기타 과정
  • 피어슨 불어B2 레벨 과정
    • 기타 과정
  • Beauty Care Specialist 피부미용관리 전문가 과정
    • 경험이민(PEQ)
  • Culinary Arts Specialist 전문 요리 과정
    • 경험이민(PEQ)
  • Computer Graphics 컴퓨터 그래픽 과정
    • 경험이민(PEQ)
  • Computer Support & Networks 컴퓨터 및 네트워크 관리 과정
    • 경험이민(PEQ)
  • Welding and Fitting 용접 과정
    • PEQ+QSW
  • Residential and Commercial Drafting 주택설계
    • PEQ+QSW
  • Home Care Assistance 간병인 과정
    • 전문인력이민(QSW)
  • Computer Science Techniques 컴퓨터 공학
    • 경험이민(PEQ)
  • Office System Technology 경영, 사무 시스템 공학
    • 경험이민(PEQ)
  • Medical Office Specialist 의료 사무

사업자 : 국제경력개발원 | 사업자번호 : 121-86-13198 | 대표자,개인정보관리책임자 : 류문현
서울 Tel : 02-3453-9110 | 주소 : 서울 서초구 서초동 1328-11 대우도씨에빛2 제5층 508호
몬트리올 Tel : 1-514-934-2580 | #2021 Union Avenue, Suite 1109, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2S9

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